Just Write. Just Do It.

Sometimes I feel that I can’t write, unless inspiration strikes. But if you are constantly sitting around waiting for inspiration, it may never come, and you may never write. So just do it. Just write. Anything. Whatever is coming into your brain. Pick a time, be consistent and write everyday. Sometimes it will be crap, maybe all the time it will be crap. But sometimes, you might surprise yourself and something brilliant will come onto the page. 

The last few weeks I have been struggling with my writing. Specifically, my writing direction. I have been getting a string of rejections from agents on a children’s book manuscript I love. I see where it could be a tough sell and that is the very feedback I received from a publisher. Though, there are several recent comps that have done quite well in a similar vein to my manuscript. But, I get it, I am a new author, and it isn’t a wildly thrilling or original story. I keep thinking, maybe my children’s books is not where I start. I have some great ideas for an adult novel, that I have started, as well as a memoir, that I think could be a great sell- if I can write it well. So far my attempts have not proven well. Everything sounds so much better in my head at the moment, and then when I do finally sit down to put it on paper, it comes out awful. Just awful. Which really doesn’t help my inspiration or my motivation. But this is what I want to do. It is really, all I want to do. But it needs to be good, and right now it is not good. 

So I am trying to tell myself to just write. Anything. Let the words flow and see what comes out. It could be crap, it probably will be crap, but there might just be one golden nugget amongst all the crap that would make it worthwhile. So just do it. Just write and see where it leads. 

Order A Walk Through the Redwoods

If you loved this book review, you might also enjoy my debut picture book, A Walk Through the Redwoodsillustrated by Natalia Bruno. You can order it now from your favorite bookstore: Amazon, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble.