Planning My Writing Life

Planning My Writing Life

Back in the spring, I realized I needed to organize my writing life. So I did some research on planners. I wanted one that was detailed enough to set big picture and long term goals but that also had flexibility. I also didn’t want to spend a fortune. After some...

Creating an Author Website

Create a website to showcase who you are as an author to agents, publishers, editors, etc. Even if you are not yet published, as in my instance, a website allows you the opportunity to build a base, to put yourself and what you have to offer out there. Creating a...

Just Write. Just Do It.

Sometimes I feel that I can’t write, unless inspiration strikes. But if you are constantly sitting around waiting for inspiration, it may never come, and you may never write. So just do it. Just write. Anything. Whatever is coming into your brain. Pick a time, be...